- How to fix Houston traffic? Let's talk MaX Lanes. (op-ed answering Mayor Turner's call to re-imagine Houston's transportation future)
- An oil tax that would draw Republican support and re-energize Houston (anybody know how to get this to the right people in the Trump administration?...)
- A compelling alternative to the I45 redevelopment plan thru downtown, and Defending the Pierce Elevated and other thoughts on TXDoT's plans, and Building to the Grand Finale - An updated analysis of the 45N rebuild
- Elements of an Opportunity City
- Should Houston have its own version of the Sydney Bridge Climb?
- Houston's changes, challenges, opportunities, and identity
- Announcing the Center for Opportunity Urbanism
- Our evolving "Houston style" general plan
- Ten years of Houston Strategies retrospective
- Thoughts on TXDoT's ambitious new plan for I45N (followups here and here)
- Branding Houston for tourism and improving the flawed I45N expansion plan
- How Houston can grow gracefully: Snow White and the Nine Dwarves
- Preparing for the impact of driverless cars
- Maximizing Opportunity Urbanism with Robin Hood Planning (COU White Paper)
- Opportunity Urbanism TV interview
- The emerging cross-ideological consensus on excessive zoning and land-use regulations
- Thoughts on ULI's bold Astrodome proposal (and some additional ones on the park concept here)
- The future of education is here, it's just not evenly distributed
- How Opportunity Urbanism can save the global economy (Part 1, Part 2)
- Opportunity Urbanism op-ed in the Chronicle
- Our big Houston article in the City Journal and WSJ on "America's Opportunity City"
- Rebutting the pro-rail op-eds and how to fix Houston's top issues
- Thoughts on Bill King's traffic solutions
- Options to Save the Astrodome
- The Future of Transit
- An alternate view of sprawl
- Seizing the Astrodome opportunity to establish Houston's new global identity
- Attracting more educated talent to Houston
- A vision for Metro's new CEO (Chronicle op-ed)
- A new brand for Houston: Houspitality
- Does Houston have the highest standard of living in the world?
- Houston's Walled Garden
- 7th anniversary post: The Ultimate Houston Strategy
- My TEDx Houston talk, mostly about Houston (a summary of some of my better ideas from this blog)
- A targeted tourism strategy for Houston
- The real answer to Houston's traffic congestion
- Securing Houston's economic and world-city future, including increasing local venture capital
- An agenda for Mayor Parker (links to many key posts)
- Why the feds should stay out of high-speed rail (and most transportation)
- Texas and America's four great growth waves
- A Pragmatic Approach to Houston’s Future (part 1, part 2)
- Houston's great competitive advantage
- What message is your city telling you? (including Houston)
- A Map to Houston’s World-Class Future (part 1, part 2)
- The many meanings Houston as an "Open City of Opportunity"
- Opportunity Urbanism, 4 drivers op-ed, and response to critics
- Architects vs. Economists (the planning vs. free market spectrum)
- Planning: Panacea, Poison Pill, or just Purgatory?
- Houston's identity: Global Village, American Dream, Texas Spirit (lead-up posts: strategy and previous branding attempts, why brand a city?)
- Transportation Lessons from Houston: Part 1, Part 2
- Applying Jane Jacobs' 4 tenets of vibrant neighborhoods to car-based cities (mobility/draw-zones for vibrancy)
- Density, Vibrancy, and Opportunity Zones
- New Urbanism and the value of mobility
- Unity vs. fragmentation in metro areas and a related post, The importance of keeping jobs in the core
- A hypothesis on the deeper psychology of rail
- Commuter rail is the wrong ride (Chronicle op-ed)
- Why does Houston have such a great restaurant scene?
- Keys to unlock our gridlock (includes a link to the op-ed and the 3-part series)
- Realistically repurposing the Astrodome
- Relieving the north-south traffic bottleneck
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