Friday, November 11, 2011

My TEDx Houston talk, mostly about Houston

Sorry for the post delay this week - got back midweek from California and ran right into a giant pile of work.  Back in June I had the opportunity to speak at TEDx Houston on the UH campus.  It was a fantastic (and yet nerve-wracking) experience I really enjoyed.  Well, the professionally edited video of my talk is finally available: "What is Social Systems Architecture and why does it matter?"  It covers kind of a wide range of topics over 20 minutes (the first 14 mins are all Houston):
  • The Opportunity Urbanism philosophy of cities and how Houston is an exemplar of that model
  • Branding Houston
  • A transportation/transit solution for Houston and other decentralized cities
  • Organization 2.0 and the Bossless Organization model (winner of the Management Innovation Prize)
  • Reforming K-12 education with empowerment
And yes, if you're wondering, I broke all the TED talk rules by packing way too much into my 20 minutes (and apologies in advance for the frequent throat clearing; lesson learned: no ice water before speaking).  But I got some very positive feedback from the audience, so at least some people appreciated the difference from the usual TED talk model.  The video does a decent job of capturing the slides too (use the bottom right-side arrows to make it full screen), but you can also download a pdf of the slides here.  I know 20 minutes is a lot of commitment in the web/blog world, but it really does capture a lot of the key themes from this blog, so if you're a loyal reader, it's probably worth your time (Facebook will still be there for you tomorrow, right? ;-)

Enjoy.  As always, thoughts and feedback are welcome in the comments.

UPDATE: The Urbanophile comments and summarizes his key takeaways.

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At 5:41 PM, November 13, 2011, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Job Tory

At 5:57 PM, November 13, 2011, Blogger Tory Gattis said...

Thanks! And thanks everybody for zooming my YouTube views over 100 in just a couple of days! Very much appreciated.


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